CSE221 - lec09: Extending OS: L4 & Exokernel
Nov 5, 2024
09 - Extending OS: L4 & Exokernel
Overview: Extending OS
- Goal: moving OS functionality to user-level
- reduce kernel complexity
- reduce kernel crossings
The Performance of Micro-Kernel-Based Systems (L4)
- question: are micro-kernel fundamentally slow?
- specialization & extensibility
- specialize: improve exisiting service on certain settings
- extend: add new features
- question: do we need co-location?
L4 Abstractions
- address space
- threads
- IPC (messages)
L4 Architecture
- L4 kernel in kernel level, with both applications and “guest OS” running at user level as processes.
L4 System Calls
- the language library will translate syscall to “guest OS” as messages to L4 kernel, L4 kernel will forwarded the messages to “guest OS”, retrieve result, and return to applications.
- extra messages → more overhead
L4 Page Fault Handling
- when a page fault occurs, L4 send a message to Linux
L4 Memory Management
- hierarchical address spaces
- Linux delegates memory to applications
- both L4 & Linux maintain their own page table and keep in sync (sync change in L4 pgtbl by syscall to L4)
- more memory consumption
- more kernel crossings in update scene.
L4 Implementation
- Linux: archietecture dependent part + architecture independent part
- L4Linux only modify the first part
- this is an easy way to port monolithic kernel OS to micro-kernel system
- Performance Analysis:
- penalty of using L4 micro-kernel is low
- performance of micro-kernel matters
- Extensibility Analysis:
- extensible
- extension performs well
- design of a modern micro-kernel
- micro-kernel based system’s performance could approach monolithic kernel
- opportunities for specialization & extensibility
Exokernel: An Operating System Architecture for Application-Level Resource Management
- push OS functionality → user level even further
- expose hardware
- benefits v.s. L4:
- lower overhead (less kernel-crossing, only procedure call into Lib OS when syscall)
- more capable for speicialization & extension
Design Principles
- securely export hardware: only manage resources to the extent required by protection
- expose allocation: let lib OS pariticipate
- expose names: export physical names and book-keeping data structures, this helps the second principle
- expose revocation: let lib OS participate in revocation
Manage Hardware Resources
- tracking ownerships → using tables
- protection via secure bindings (decouple authorization from use, authorize once at bind time)
- revoke resources when necessary
- untrusted lib OS manages hardware directly
- protection via secure bindings